Welcome back to the Sunrise Asphalt blog! Last time we discussed the slurry seal and how it’s an indispensable tool for repairing roads and lots. This time we want to look right outside your door, at your driveway. Seeing cracks? Potholes taking root? Driveways get a lot of use, being the beginning and end of most of our journeys. It may be time to consider driveway repair options!

Driveway Repair, The Causes, and Solutions

Driveway Damage

Driveway damage can come from a wide variety of sources. Heavy loads can cause the asphalt to lose its structural integrity, inducing cracks as they drive over it or park frequently. Should you have a tree close to your asphalt driveway tree roots, that unseen foe can damage the asphalt, coming up and under through the surface as they grow outward. Using rock salt to combat harsh winters (not something we traditionally have to deal with here in Tucson) can eat away at the ice sure but it will also speed up the freeze/thaw cycle that induces so much damage. Water and moisture find their way through cracks and then undermines the asphalt service setting up the potential for cracks and potholes. It could be any of these things, or just downright poor installation that sets it up for failure in the first place!

Whatever the cause, here’s what you need to know when it comes time to repair the driveway!

Driveway Repair Part #1 Fixing Cracks

We have an entire blog on just this topic but will summarize it quickly here. Should your asphalt have cracks you can attempt to repair it using a crack filler mixture. You will need to prep the crack.

First clear out any debris, growing plants or loose stone. Using a hose or pressure washer to clear it can speed up the process, though you’ll need to make sure it dries before continuing on. Keep in mind you’re also introducing water to the surface which, as we have discussed plenty.

After cleaning, and filling in with crushed gravel if necessary, the filler can be applied. Fill it until even with the surrounding asphalt. Once it’s been filled let it set and harden before you begin driving and parking over it again. Pay attention after the first application! Occasionally the filler will sink further into the crack and need

How We Do It: Sunrise Asphalt uses a specialized crack fill machine that injects hot crack filler into cracks that have been cleaned out with precision.

Driveway Repair Part #2 Potholes Begone!

If cracks have had their time to do their business, you might be looking at potholes! The process for repairing potholes is very similar to that of fixing cracks. To do the job you’ll need an adequate amount of patch material and a tamper. The first step is cleaning the area of the debris or loose materials, any large objects that will disrupt the patch material.

When the area is cleaned out, you pour the asphalt patch mix directly into the pothole. Then use the tamping tool to pack in the material and make a seriously compact and strong asphalt surface.

Once your surface has been repaired, allowed time to dry and set, you should go ahead and get a seal coat down. This will lock in the repairs and help add extra years to your asphalt surfaces.

If you’re in the Tucson area and your driveway repair job is outside of the scope you are comfortable handling (and we wouldn’t blame you, it can be intimidating) then give us a call! Our team of asphalt experts is completing excellent jobs all over town and ready to help repair your driveway!